Alison Colwell

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So far Alison Colwell has created 285 blog entries.
3 06, 2009

Tia Interviews Carol Robson for Food Forever

By |2018-05-03T10:58:22-07:00June 3rd, 2009|Categories: Food Program, School Projects|0 Comments

When you were a child how did you get your food?

She didn’t have stores, they had cows. Milking cows and meat cows. They had chickens. They went hunting, looking for deer and grouse. Her dad, when he got home, right away he guts the deer, and the offering to her mother is the liver. That was the prime part of the deer.They made it hot. They always had flower and sugar.

When you were young how did you keep your food ?

Her mom kept butter, milk and eggs in the pantry that was cold. They had no refrigeration, so they had a root cellar. They had apples and all the vegetables all winter, and fresh meat canned. A lot didn’t can fish or meat.

How was getting your food different when you were a kid ?

No shopping, no stores. They fished and they hunted, getting getting food in the forest. Now she goes to the store, but they never went to the store when she was a kid. She never saw a can of soup.

What is your favorite local food?

Her favorite local food is her home grown apples. Her favorite food in the spring is nettles.

Tell me about a food memory you have from childhood.

Her favorite food memory when she was a child is her mom’s home made bread. It was a really big treat for her and her mom would save some of the bread dough and fry it in bacon fat.

3 05, 2009

Foraging Friday and a Pea Lesson

By |2018-05-03T10:52:42-07:00May 3rd, 2009|Categories: Food Program, School Projects|0 Comments

Hi everyone,

Things are really getting exciting and I feel like I’m bursting at the seams so thought I’d share some images with you all about the goings on.

This pic is Dora and Gemma “dipping and frying”. This was on the first Foraging Friday where we had 6 seniors, 3 parents and 13 kids. Who knew how tasty maple blossom fritters could be?

The foraging and cooking was easy with this group who is really starting to get the hang of THINGS FOOD. The day also included a visit to Rose’s pond, daffodil picking, rolling down the famous steep hill AND helping Rose with the heavy job of moving compost.

Rose and Adrienne, who had never met, have found kindred spirits in each other.

Another pic is of Elizabeth Latta at the school continuing her pea lessons. She has a way of speaking that is truly new to the kids. She was explaining how a pea’s first tendril searches and reaches out for something to attach to.

The Food Forever gatherings, from kitchens to forests to our neighbours, are filling me with such joy and inspiration. Hope you all get a chance to connect with this special project.


3 04, 2009

The Food Forever Cook Book Group is Up and Running!

By |2018-05-03T10:48:59-07:00April 3rd, 2009|Categories: Food Program, School Projects|0 Comments

Our first meeting as a group was April 15. There are now 15 of us, elders and students, and our main goal is to produce a cook book filled with recipes and stories from Galiano.

With Kenna Fair facilitating, we set up a plan to have the book ready for printing by our deadline – September 2009. Because the cook book will be based on the seasons, we decided to organize ourselves into four research groups of Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall so we can focus on gathering seasonal materials such as photos, art work, recipes and of course, the stories.

The stories will come from interviews with the elders of Galiano. The students create and conduct the interviews and are partners with an elder, while another adult observes and facilitates during the interview. We’ve already done four interviews, and have more scheduled for the next few weeks. There’s no time to waste with our September deadline coming up fast!

I really enjoyed my role as observer for Tayler’s interview with her grandmother, Lennis. I heard stories about what it is like to grow up with 11 brothers and sisters, and to be completely self-sufficient for all food – all without any electricity! I also learned about a delicious recipe for a seed bread that Tayler, a skilled baker in her own right, often bakes with Lennis.

Here’s who we are in the Cook Book group:

Rhiannon Silver, Tina Basarab, Jacob Parfitt, Noal Balint, Lily Kingscote, Mana Lief, Arthur Georgeson (Students)

Margaret Edgar, Dianne Laronde, Bonnie MacGillivray, Carol Guin, Cathy Buttery, Virginia Monk, Barry New, Elizabeth Bosher (Elders and Observers)

3 01, 2009

Linda Gilkeson: Winter Gardening, Winter Eating too!

By |2018-05-03T10:44:13-07:00January 3rd, 2009|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project), Workshops|0 Comments

The Galiano Food Program hosted a community kitchen and presentation on “Year ‘Round Harvesting” by author, researcher, and “seasoned” green-thumb Linda Gilkeson.

Linda, who grows 99% of her yearly vegetables (and the majority of fruit as well!), was sharing all sorts of ‘secrets’ in hopes of spreading the word that we can nurture our own fresh veggies all year ’round.

There was a solid turnout of over forty-odd folks (and some were ‘odd’ to be sure), there to learn some tips and tricks on growing winter food in the Pacific Northwest.

Early spring, it turns out, is remarkably productive in our area. March/April is traditionally a ‘hungry gap’ where supplies from the previous year’s harvest are running out. In this area, however, your garden can be remarkably productive in those months.

On the myth busting side of things, she emphasized that if something freezes it’s not dead… just don’t pick it while it’s frozen! On the contrary, some plants do much better after they’ve been frosted once or twice. If it’s frozen, you could put it straight into a soup pot, but if you pick it while it’s frozen it will start to decay right away, so don’t expect to pick frozen stuff for storage.

You Don’t Need A Greenhouse!

“No matter how bad the winter, most things will make it, with VERY low tech.”, she encouraged. You don’t need a greenhouse or even a cold-frame. A sheet of plastic will do.

That said, you must mulch a winter garden. There are good reasons for doing it in the summer, but for winter its mandatory. It keeps the soil temperatures even. What kills plants in winter is its inability to move water up into the plant. Mulch helps heat from the ground make it up to the plant roots and also prevents frost heaving.

Where to Grow?

Keep your eye out for patches of ground that are sunny through the winter, but not during the summer. Sun will go straight back to a wall under decks and porches, but in summer those spots would be in shade most of the time. There’s also a lot of opportunity for planting in deck planters.

For winter beds, you’re looking for good drainage. You might need to build beds up a bit.

Due to the low sun angle, cold frames, if you have time to build them, should allow light through the side. But a single sheet of plastic is all you really need, and sometimes you can get away without that.

Grow the Right Varieties

One central message that Linda shared was this: be sure that you get the right varieties. Cold weather can cause plants to prematurely flower, or ‘vernalize’. Winter varieties of broccoli and cauliflower won’t do that. They’ll put out leaves in the spring, waiting to the appropriate time to produce.

‘Fall crop’, as a variety descriptor doesn’t cut it for leeks. The aptly marketed ‘winter density’ and ‘continuity’ varieties of lettuce will make it, while a summer variety just won’t.

She came armed with many photographs of her spring crop, some of which proved the quality of the modern selection of kale. There are an astounding number of kale varieties, many of which are more tender and mild than those you might be more familiar with.

Corn salad is an ‘indestructibly hearty’ substitute for lettuce. It has a subtle baby corn flavour, but is not strong or mustardy at all. And four feet of snow doesn’t bother it in the least!

Looking for a celery substitute? Try celeriac, which tastes like the hearts of celery. When you cook it, it turns very creamy without much in the way of fibrous material.

And you can do lemons in this area, but they’ll need to come under glass during the winter, but not necessarily in any heated structure.

Timing is Everything

As a summer mantra consider, “Never leave a bare spot in the garden for more than 24 hours.” You can put a seedling bed in place, just after harvesting some other crop. The seedlings start out as way too crowded, but you can thin them or transplant them later. You may need to pull some tricks to protect your seedlings through very hot Augusts. You can also ‘interplant’ between things that will be very tall. Mature lettuce can act as a mulch, shading the seedlings below it.

It’s hard to remember to plant in the summer. For Linda, the 1st of July is Carrot Day. She points out that the ground is a “living refrigerator”.

If you leave your food in the garden, you can still be eating fresh in May.

Come November, she’s especially interested in protecting root crop shoulders. “Cosy up the lettuce. Snuggle up the spinach.” Now, there’s a battle cry for the ages, if I’ve ever heard one!

“‘Winter Eating’ is what we should be calling this.”, she said, as most of the planting is the late summer. Weeds slow down during winter. There are no water restrictions. You do need a nice day once in a while throughout the winter to go out and grab some stuff for the fridge, but by and large the heavy lifting will already have been done.

The evening was capped off with a lively question and answer period. Here are some Fast Facts from that session:


  • Soil Management: Add lime (and/or bone meal, ash) to your soil to counteract the low pH (acid soil) caused by our heavy rainfall levels. She feeds very heavily once per year in any given bed. The bed gets a solid feed, particularly after a garlic crop.
  • On Mulching: When you put burlap and newspaper down, do you get bugs underneath? Not if the soil has been dry long enough. Rather than lay it flat, you can put wire mesh down first, and lay cover over that to allow some air underneath.
  • Anti-slug Tricks: Consider Safer Slug bait granules, but only use a small amount. Iron in the bait interferes with their ability to make slime. It’s NOT certified organic. For that, ground beetles are great predators of slugs. Generally speaking, fast creatures are good because they prey on slow ones.


For further information, check out Linda’s website, and check into her books for sale here.

1 05, 2008

Recipes from Nettlefest 2008

By |2018-05-01T20:32:51-07:00May 1st, 2008|Categories: Food Program, Nettlefest|0 Comments

These recipes are from Nettlefest 2008, a celebration by the Galiano Community Food Program.


4 tablespoons olive oil, 2 cups chopped onions, 2 pounds Yukon Gold potatoes,peeled, cut into 1-inch pieces, 8 cups (or more) water, 2 bay leaves, 1/2teaspoon dried crushed red pepper, 4 garlic cloves, minced, 15 oz. (300g) fresh nettle leaves, stems trimmed (use gloves!), Sour cream and chopped parsley for garnish.

-Heat 4 tablespoons oil in heavy large pot over medium heat.Add onions and saute until tender and golden, about 8 minutes. Add potatoes; saute 3 minutes. Add garlic and saute for another 2 minutes.

-Add 8 cups water, bay leaves and crushed red pepper. Bring to boil. Reduce heat. Simmer until potatoes are tender, about 20 minutes. Add nettle leaves just before blending to preserve brightness.

-Working in batches, puree soup in blender until smooth.Return soup to pot. Bring to simmer, thinning with more water, if desired.Season soup to taste with salt and pepper. To serve: top each bowl with a dollop of sour cream and a bit of chopped fresh parsley.


1 cup raw almonds, toasted in a dry pan stirring constantly, 8 cloves or 1/2large head garlic, 1 teaspoon kosher salt, 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper, 7 cups nettle leaves (blanched and drained), 6 cups loosely packed fresh spinach leaves, 1.5 cup extra-virgin olive oil, 3 cups finely grated parmesan cheese.

Roast almonds and coll them completely. With food processor running, drop in whole garlic cloves. Process until finely chopped, then stop motor and add cooled nuts, salt, pepper, nettles, spinach. Process until finely chopped. With motor running, add oil and process until incorporated. Fold in grated cheese.

Nettle pesto keeps, its surface covered with plastic wrap,chilled, 1 week. It can also be frozen

LEMON OLIVE-OIL CAKE. Makes 8 portions

3/4 cup olive oil (extra-virgin if desired), plus additional for greasing pan,1 large lemon, 1 cup all-purpose flour, well sifted, 5 large eggs, separated, reserving 1 white for another use

3/4 cup plus 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar

Special equipment: a 9-inch (24-cm) spring form pan; parchment paper. Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 35o°F. Grease spring form pan with some oil, then line bottom with a round of parchment paper.Oil parchment.Finely grate enough lemon zest to measure 1 1/2 teaspoons and whisk together with flour. Halve lemon, then squeeze and reserve 1 1/2tablespoons fresh lemon juice.

Beat together yolks and 1/2 cup sugar in a large bowl with an electric mixer at high speed until thick and pale, about 3 minutes. Reduce speed to medium and add olive oil (3/4 cup) and reserved lemon juice, beating until just combined (mixture may appear separated). Using a wooden spoon, stirin flour mixture (do not beat) until just combined. Beat egg whites (from 4eggs) with 1/2 teaspoon salt in another large bowl with cleaned beaters at medium-high speed until foamy, then add 1/4 cup sugar a little at a time,beating, and continue to beat until egg whites just hold soft peaks, about 3 minutes.Gently fold one third of whites into yolk mixture to lighten, then fold in remaining whites gently but thoroughly.Transfer batter to spring form pan and gently rap against work surface once or twice to release any air bubbles. Sprinkle top evenly with remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar. Bake until puffed and golden and a wooden pick or skewer inserted in center of cake comes out clean, about 45minutes. Cool cake in pan on a rack 10 minutes, then run a thin knife aroundedge of pan and remove side of pan. Cool cake to room temperature, about 1 1/4hours. Remove bottom of pan and peel off parchment, then transfer cake to a serving plate.

LEMON CREAM CHEESE FROSTING. For one olive oil cake recipe (8 people)

2 8-ounce packages cream cheese, room temperature, 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks)unsalted butter at room temperature, 4 cups powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Using electric mixer, beat cream cheese and butter in large bowl until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in powdered sugar. Beat in lemon peel and vanilla. Cover and refrigerate until just firm enough to spread, about30 minutes.

NETTLE AND LIME JELLY. Makes about 2 cups of jelly

4 teaspoons unflavored gelatin (less than 2 full envelopes)

1.5 cups water, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup fresh nettle leaves, 6 tablespoons fresh lime juice.

Line the bottom and sides of an oiled 8-inch square glass baking dish with a piece of plastic wrap, smoothing out wrinkles.Sprinkle gelatin over 3/4 cup water in a 2-quart saucepan and let stand 1 minute to soften. Heat mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally, until gelatin is dissolved. Stir in remaining water, sugar, and nettles, then simmer, stirring occasionally, 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, uncovered, while nettle steeps, 20 minutes.Stir in lime juice and remaining cup water, then pour through a fine sieve into baking dish and chill, covered, until firm, at least8 hours.

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