Welcome to the Hall Booking Form!

Instructions for Using this Form

  • Please first check the Hall Calendar to make sure the dates and times you are requesting are available.
  • This form is for requesting to book the hall for any function, public or private, including set-up and clean-up time.
    • Under “Event or Booking Time & Date”, please select the full period of time you would like to book the hall, including the public event if there is one.
      • You will only have access to the hall for the time you have booked.
      • Please ensure you book enough time for set-up, tear-down and clean-up of your event or booking.
    • If you are booking the hall for a public event, such as a concert, workshop, performance, etc, we will create two event entries on the Events Calendar on this website:
      • One for the organizer’s full booking period – this is for administration and hall planning purposes
      • One for the public-facing event, so people can plan to attend.