Alison Colwell

About Alison Colwell

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So far Alison Colwell has created 285 blog entries.
10 03, 2012

Garlic Weeding Party – April 18th

By |2018-05-10T13:47:16-07:00March 10th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|0 Comments

The next gathering will be WED, APRIL 18 AT 11 AM

WEEDING will be the main activity so bring along your favourite hand tools for that. Bring a bucket too if you can so that we can leave a few on site.

We can keep adding organic matter to compost such as leaves, ash,nettles, weeds, seaweed, grass clippings etc Aged manure and seaweed make a fine plant food in the form of tea. Anyone have access to some OLD POOP ?

Scapes will be up before we know it.

10 03, 2012

Extending The Growing Season by Michele Cantelon

By |2018-05-10T13:45:40-07:00March 10th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|0 Comments

For the dedicated gardener in the northern hemisphere, the growing season is never early enough or long enough. With access to a well situated greenhouse we can begin gardening in early spring long before the nightly temperatures will allow us to start planting outside. Warm weather plants can be started indoors and moved into the greenhouse as evening temperatures permit, finally taking up permanent homes in the greenhouse soil. Other seeds can be started in the greenhouse for transplants that will eventually move outdoors, harden off and be planted in our gardens. What a delightful thing to be able to get one’s hands “in the dirt” so early in the year.

When the early summer weather doesn’t cooperate with our plans to plant, we can still start things in the greenhouse and make use of its heat retaining qualities to grow our transplants successfully and set them out in the garden as the seasonal temperatures become more reliable. As early summer temperatures have cooled over the past few years, many people have begun starting beans and corn as greenhouse transplants, in spite of cool weather that would prevent these seeds from sprouting outside. These warm weather transplants can then be set out in the garden as night temperatures warm.

Later in the year, the greenhouse supports extending the growing season well into the fall. Last year final tomatoes were picked off plants in November.

Even on the coldest of nights in the fall, the greenhouse retains the day’s heat, keeping it several degrees warmer than the temperatures outside and making it a lovely place to be “outside in the garden”, while indoors. This extra bit of protection also provides a space to overwinter plants that would otherwise die of exposure outside. By the time this article reaches print, March plantings in the greenhouse will already have started beginning a whole new year of growing.

Come on down to the Community Greenhouse at the school grounds and see what we are up to. New members are always welcome.

10 03, 2012

Greenhouse Spring Starts Group – Planting March 9th

By |2018-05-10T13:42:29-07:00March 10th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|0 Comments

March 9th at 11am

Bring your seeds and enthusiasm and meet at the greenhouse.

Participants should bring their own peppers, eggplants, brassica and greens seeds. Please note that trays will be sent home with members to be sprouted and returned to the greenhouse to grow to transplanting size when the night temperatures permit. Members wishing to plant greens will be taking their trays home to grow and plant out in their own gardens. Members are asked to bring their own planters and trays if possible and all containers should be washed with hot soapy water and rinsed before use.

NOTE: A couple points to review regarding maintenance of seed trays before sprouting…… Trays should be placed in a warm area with clear plastic over top to help with moisture retention. A light watering should take place from the top of the planter once the surface soil dries slights. Avoid saturation and bottom watering to prevent damping off or rotting of the seeds. If sprouting peppers or eggplants, the trays need to be in a very consistently warm area (next to a heat source e.g. fireplace), rotated regularly to ensure even exposure to heat and checked to ensure that the soil remains lightly damp. Again, a clear plastic bag covering the surface can help to both retain moisture and soil warmth while sprouting.

10 03, 2012

Community Kitchen led by Celeste Howell

By |2018-05-10T13:34:55-07:00March 10th, 2012|Categories: Food Program|0 Comments

Come join Celeste Howell, cook at La Berengerie for an evening of cooking.

We will be making: Mushroom Pate, French-style Rabbit (or Tofu) in a Mustard Cream Sauce over rice, with Creme Caramel for desert.

April 9th at 5:30pm. Cost is $20 min per person.

RSVP to Alison as space will be limited to 12 participants.

4 02, 2012

FIRST PLANTING, MARCH 4, 2012 at the Community Greenhouse

By |2018-05-04T20:01:27-07:00February 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|0 Comments

On Sunday March 4, nine participants met at the Food Program Greenhouse to make up a shared starting mix and begin plantings for the 2012 growing season.

After discussing the components of the mix and comparing with other recipes, we made up a large batch of starter mix, washed containers in soap and warm water and began planting. Seeds planted included 3 varieties of yellow storage onions, one type of red storage onions, summer leeks, moss curled parsley, two types of celery and fennel. In addition some previously sprouted red stemmed celery was transplanted into larger pots as well. Some members took the seed trays home to germinate in the warm and will return them once sprouted and the plants will be shared by members of the group. Some trays of starts are for the food program and will be transplanted out at participating farms later in the spring.

Our basic recipe for the seed starting mix was as follows:

1 part coconut coir – presoaked

1 part compost

1 part sand

1 part perlite

We experimented with plantings in both the straight mix and in a mix topped with fine vermiculite to see what the difference might be in terms of germination and surface contamination by algae or mold.

4 02, 2012

Seedling Mixes for Starting Transplants by Michele Cantelon

By |2018-05-04T19:59:43-07:00February 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|0 Comments

Seedling flat mix

  • 2 parts compost or worm castings
  • 2 parts peat moss
  • 1 part vermiculite, pre-wet

Seed mix

  • 2 parts screened compost or worm castings
  • 4 parts sphagnum peat
  • 1 part perlite
  • 1 part vermiculite
  • Lime as needed to adjust pH to 6

Seed mix – standard soilless

  • 50–75% sphagnum peat
  • 25–50% vermiculite
  • 5 lbs of ground or superfine dolomitic lime per cubic yard of mix
  • Blood meal, rock phosphate, and greensand at 5 to 10 lbs per cubic yard


  • Sphagnum peat moss

o Material and Description Peat is a common ingredient in soilless mixes because it is widely available, relatively inexpensive, and has desirable physical characteristics. It holds a lot of water and air and decomposes very slowly. Barks—even aged barks—should be avoided as seedling mix components because they immobilize nitrogen.

o Characteristics Peat is quite acidic (pH of 3.5–4.0); limestone is usually added to the mix to balance the pH. Add about 5–15 lb lime per cubic yard for mixes containing 70% peat. Peat is not a source of plant nutrients. Color varies with extent of decay; lighter-colored peats (grower or professional grade) provide more aeration. Finer, darker peats (retail grade) are used as a soil amendment.

o Common Usage Often makes up 30–80% of the mixes. Blending equal parts peat and compost results in desirable pH range.

  • Perlite

o Material and Description Is a silica-based volcanic rock that has been heated using natural gas, causing it to expand and become less dense. It improves aeration and water holding capacity of mixes.

o Characteristics Perlite is sterile and has a neutral pH.

o Common Usage Typically makes up 30–50% of mixes when combined with peat or high C:N compost.

  • Vermiculte

o Material and Description Is a micaceous mineral expanded in a furnace using natural gas.

o Characteristics Handled roughly, it can lose its air holding capacity. Vermiculite can supply some K, Mg, and other trace minerals.

o Common Usage Typically makes up 30–50% of mixes when combined with peat or high C:N compost.

  • Worm castings

o Material and Description Produced by red worms as they breakdown organic wastes. Inconsistent quality makes custom mixes necessary.

o Characteristics Castings are nutrient rich and claimed to have growth promoting attributes. The amount of available P and N varies with bedding materials.

o Common Usage Often makes up 10–40% of mixes; the proportion varies with composition in the same way as other composts or manures.

4 02, 2012

Healing Foods and Herbal Collective – by James Beaufait

By |2018-05-04T19:58:05-07:00February 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program|0 Comments

Our first meeting, 3 Mar 2010, was held at Dora FitzGerald’s house (1480 cottage way) where nearly twenty folks interested in all aspects of healing foods and herbs gathered.

The Herbal Collective is based on our interest in combining all our varied talents on the island to create a shared resource of herbal information, to exchange plants and remedies, and to provide tinctures and creams for use by individuals in our community who need and want them. We plan to study the properties of local plants, participate in sustainable wild crafting, and learn various methods of making tinctures, creams, and essences. We hope to make herbal products available as needed to the community.

Our first steps towards accomplishing these goals are:

  • Cataloging existing remedies and tinctures that are already available for use by the community.
  • Establishing a communications network amongst the members and all interested persons on the island by creating and distributing email and telephone listings.
  • Forming a group to focus on propagating and growing select medicinal plants.
  • Sharing information with the Galiano Community through reports and articles in the Active Page;
  • And through the creation of forums and postings under the Herb Collective section on the new Galiano Food Program website:
  • Taking part on Seed Saturday February 20th by bringing seeds and shoots of herbs for spring planting.

If you would like more information please call Dora at 3247.

4 02, 2012

Nettles! The Super Plant by Alison Colwell

By |2018-05-04T19:56:19-07:00February 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Nettlefest|0 Comments

The 5th Annual Nettlefest Community Potluck will be happening on March 17th.

One of the first real signs of spring on Galiano, and one of my favourite wild foods, are the new nettle shoots that start poking out of the ground early in the Spring. At a time when we’ve been living on frozen veggies, or cabbage and root vegetables, fresh greens are a welcome sight. Plus there’s the additional benefit that nettles are actually good for us. Nettles are extremely rich in vital nutrients, including vitamin D, which is rare in plants; vitamins C and A; and minerals, including iron, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Nettle preparations also have been shown to be effective in controlling hay fever symptoms. They are good for arthritis and eczema.

Our local nettle – Urtica dioica – is a well-known type of nettle, but it’s not the only type. There are about 30 to 40 types in the Urticaceae family. There is a type in New Zealand that grows as tall as a tree and the sting has proved deadly to dogs and horses.

Nettle is best used for food when they are first coming up in the spring. Keep in mind that once the stems have started to elongate and they begin to flower, the leaves aren’t as tender. The color of the nettle leaves may vary from a light shade of green to dark green to a dark reddish-purple. Any of these leaf colorations is good for eating. However, it is said that the nettle leaves with more purple color indicates it’s richer in iron mineral.

Nettles are delicious – but most first time nettle eaters are nervous about being stung. However, once the nettles are steamed, frozen, dried or cooked the sting is neutralized. There are lots of different ways to use nettles: Make a fresh batch of healing nettle tea with either fresh or dried nettles, Use fresh nettle in scrambled eggs, pasta dishes, casseroles, and soups. You can cook nettles and eat them as you would steamed spinach — their taste and appearance are similar. Make powdered nettle by grinding dried nettle leaves in a coffee grinder. You can also juice nettles and combine the juice with other fresh juices, such as carrot or apple juice.

Here’s a great, simple recipe to use with spring nettles. Use this pesto on pasta, bread or anywhere you would use a basil pesto.

Alison’s Nettle Pesto

Steam (very slightly) 3 cups nettle leaves. (No stems)

Process in the food processor, in the following order:

6 garlic cloves

1/2 cup walnuts

Steamed nettle

Dash each of salt and pepper

Dash lemon juice

While the blade is turning, slowly add up to 1 cup olive oil.

Then add 1 cup parmesan.

4 02, 2012

Galiano Farm Experience 2012 – Meeting March 22nd at 7pm

By |2018-05-04T19:53:39-07:00February 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|0 Comments


– to grow food for yourself, your family and your community

– to work with others

– to learn about soil, planting and harvesting techniques and orchard care

Cable Bay and Sunshine Farms are offering to collaborate in creative and innovative ways

– 50 foot irrigated allotment beds

– forming a potato coop

– growing community crops

– learning, labour and food exchanges


Let’s Occupy our Food System !

Come be part of the Spring Fever to take some control of our own food production as well as working amongst friends of all ages.

Explore these ideas with community, Food Program coordinators and the farmers

THURSDAY , MARCH 22 @ 7 pm at the Community Hall

4 02, 2012

Community Greenhouse Policy 2012 Growing Year

By |2018-05-04T19:50:18-07:00February 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|0 Comments

The focus of the Community Greenhouse is to promote social and environmental sustainability. The project allows community members to grow their own organic herbs and vegetables 12 months of the year while engaging in a welcoming community environment. A portion of the greenhouse is used by the school children for their purposes from September through June though there is lots of room for sharing.

The greenhouse project was initiated in 2010 by the Galiano Community Food Program through the Galiano Club who is responsible ultimately for its upkeep and use. After repeatedly hearing that the community was interested in growing year-round, the Food Program was successful in receiving a VanCity grant to fund the project.

Today there is a 20′ by 16′ poly greenhouse located on the grounds of the Galiano Community School. The greenhouse contains a large U-shaped raised bed, a large work bench and a shelving unit.. The beds are fitted with an in-ground drip irrigation system to minimize water consumption as the crops mature. The Greenhouse Project is divided into the Spring Starts group and the year round group. There is a cost of participating which has been $20 per person but could be revisited each year. This is used to purchase organic seeds, tools, etc. all at the groups discretion. If desired, the group can elect to pool extra funds for special projects.

Guidelines and Rules

* The Community greenhouse is a teaching and learning facility first and foremost and is secondarily about production. The Galiano Community School also uses the greenhouse for their teaching purposes.

* The greenhouse is a SHARED facility and must be used respectfully. Participants are encouraged to look after each other’s crops and report anything unusual or any problems to a Food Program representative.

* Given the size of the greenhouse, a limit of eight people per season is recommended. Two participants from a previous year will be encouraged to stay on in order to ensure continuity and the rest of the group will be determined by lottery, if there is more interest than spaces available. There will be a waiting list in order to ensure continued participation, should some participants be unable to complete their growing season. People can participate fully or partially depending on life schedules.

* SECURITY: Right now, we are not using a key system, but this policy may be revisited as required.

* The Food Program promotes organic methods of gardening. Use of herbicides and chemical pesticides are strictly prohibited.

* All plant waste to be deposited outside of the Greenhouse in the appropriate compost.

* No pets are permitted in the Greenhouse.

*No Smoking inside the Greenhouse or on school ground.

* No GMO Seeds

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