Food Program
The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island. We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.
Club Parks & Programs
The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.
Community Hall
The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.
Community Hall
The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.
Club Parks & Programs
The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.
Food Program
The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island. We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.
Latest Blog Posts
New School Garden Coordinator
We are happy to announce that we’ve hired Tricia Sharpe as our new School Garden Coordintor. Tricia has been facilitating workshops and coordinating programs for youth since 2001.
She majored in Anthropology at SFU, and completed her minor in Education during a 2006 field school in Punjab, India. Her experience growing food and flowers has evolved over the years through many courses and workshops, including a Permaculture Design Certification, Linda Gilkeson’s Year Round Harvest course, and an internship at the Mason Street City Farm. For the last three years, Tricia and her partner have been working on intensive […]
Community Hall Historic Photo #2
By Allan Forget
A second framed ‘historic’ photo hangs in the Galiano Community Hall kitchen and is therefore less visible, less known. It contains no date, no notes, and seems to record a public meeting–a good number of men and women seated on wood chairs–in the main Hall. From the dress of the individuals it was guessed the time period to be the 1950s. It has also been assumed that this is another photo by islander, Donald New.
Mr. New (1895-1988) was an amateur island photographer. His photo collection contains many depicting Galiano Club events, activities in the Community Hall. […]
A bit of history …
by Allan Forget
(May 29, 1929 original photo by Donald New; this copy by Keir Briscoe)
Just over 91 yrs ago our Galiano Community Hall was officially opened with a formal dance organized by the Galiano Club which was presided over by a visiting BC Lieutenant Governor. (This event was duly reported on by the Sidney Review, an area weekly newspaper; many of the details come from that source. )
The Galiano Club had come into being in Dec.1924, held its first AGM in January of the following year. One of the Club’s primary objectives was to “build a […]
The Hall Sign
by Allan Forget
The founding (1925) Constitution of the Galiano Club contained the objective, “to build a public hall”. Such a bldg began to be constructed that same year, was mostly complete & being occupied by 1927, had an ‘official’ opening in May,1929 during a visit by BC’s Lieutenant Governor. The Club, islanders, referred to the bldg as the ‘Galiano Hall’ for decades to come. In such a small-numbered community no external markings identifying it as the island’s public hall was ever deemed necessary. In the mid-1970s The Galiano Club’s Board of Trustees (now termed the Board of Directors) unofficially […]
The Enke Monument (the Bluffs)
by Allan Forget
In the early autumn of 1972 the Galiano Club sponsored a public ceremony at the Bluffs viewpoint to dedicate a commemorative stone monument to Max & Marion Enke, former island residents whose land donation, in 1948, started the creation of what is now known as ‘the Bluffs’. The inscription on the attached bronze plaque reads:
‘Erected September 1st, 1972, by the residents of Galiano Island in grateful memory of MAX ENKE and MARION ENKE 1884 -1971 1879 -1961 whose generosity made possible the establishment of Bluffs Park, thereby preserving in its natural beauty the […]
COVID-19 Update
In response to the pandemic, the Food Program has adapted our regular programs. It’s clear that when it comes to food security, some people are more affected by the pandemic than others.
We are partnering with St. Margaret’s of Scotland church to run the Galiano Food Bank, which re-opened in February. There are a number of people on the island who rely on the Food Bank and the demand has increased during the pandemic as many community members are facing financial insecurity. We are very grateful for the swell of donations we’ve received from […]