
Food Program

The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island.  We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.

Club Parks & Programs

The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.

Community Hall

The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.

Community Hall

The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.

Club Parks & Programs

The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.

Food Program

The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island.  We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.

Latest Blog Posts

Garlic Co-op 2012

By |October 4th, 2011|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|

USING PREMIUM SEED AND A LARGE AREA TO PLANT IN at the end of Morgan Road in a quiet tree-rimmed field. Regular work parties (approximately one per month) for 10 months lasting 1 1/2 – 2 hours each; participation level determines volume of garlic received. 1200 premium Boundary Garlic cloves going in: Porcelains and two types of purple stripe: Persian Star and Chestnut Red all are hard neck producing scapes in the Spring. Cost of membership is $20, which covers seed and amendments, the Food Program is covering coordinating costs. This year […]

Emergency Corn by Christina Stechishin

By |October 4th, 2011|Categories: Community Picnic, Food Program|

When I volunteered to provide corn on the cob for the Community Picnic on behalf of the Galiano Emergency Program, little did I realize how much was involved. It wasn’t just a matter of arranging for the purchase of the corn – it was also planning for the shucking, cooking, and serving of the ears, as well as arranging for disposal of the cobs and husks.

Well, thanks to the experience and resourcefulness of Janice and Alison, I now know about bringing tarps and getting the children to make the corn shucking into […]


By |October 4th, 2011|Categories: Food Program, School Projects|

Applefest Returns!!

We will be celebrating Apples at the 3rd annual Applefest at the Galiano school on the afternoon of Thursday October 13th from 12:30-3:15.

During the afternoon, we will be juicing local apples with the kids, playing apple related games, hosting an apple tasting, and the teachers will be leading the kids in apple poetry, and an apple art project.

We need a few volunteers to help with the various stations, and to help the kids move smoothly between them. If you can help, call Alison.

The Community Greenhouse by Sharon Masui

By |September 4th, 2011|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|

The cold and rainy spring in the unheated greenhouse thwarted our first attempts to grow transplantable vegetable and herbal seedlings in April and May. Undaunted, and with the help of Martine and Janice,we abandoned our miniature and unhealthy starts and planted Martine’s new seedlings. By mid June we were inundated with fresh herbs and furthermore, as of today we have harvested many varieties of tomatoes from Leo and Rosemarie’s starts, cucumbers from seeds , more herbs and are awaiting the ripening of seeded watermelon and cantaloupe.

Fall is approaching and we have planted […]

We “Raised” the Roof and “Coated” the Floors

By |September 4th, 2011|Categories: Club News|

In August, Bob Boyechko and his crew removed 2 old roofs from the South Galiano Community Hall and replaced them with a new roof. The work took about 5 days during the hottest week of the year. No rot was found under the old roofs and the new roof was expertly installed along with new flashings.

At the same time the roof was being re-done, Louis Gonthier re-coated the main Hall floor and the stage floor. Louis spent 4 days working on the floors and donated all of his labour costs.

Thank you to […]

Zucchini Races at the Galiano Community Potluck Picnic

By |September 4th, 2011|Categories: Community Picnic, Food Program|

Everyone is invited to Galiano’s first annual Zany Zucchini Races that will be held at the Community Picnic on September 25th at the School/Activity Centre. Ret. Captain Thomas Schnare is co-ordinating the exciting races that will be judged by Mike Hoebel and Dave Agnes.

Race Rules:

There will be age categories and the rules are that .

Race Rules:

1) “Cars” must be constructed with a zucchini, the width of the Zucchini “car” at its fattest point can be no more than 13 inches wide. Length, wheel sizes and weight are not restricted.

2)All power will be […]

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