
Food Program

The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island.  We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.

Club Parks & Programs

The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.

Community Hall

The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.

Community Hall

The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.

Club Parks & Programs

The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.

Food Program

The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island.  We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.

Latest Blog Posts

Galiano Club’s lands in the time of COVID-19 – Parks Notice – April 2020

By |April 12th, 2020|Categories: Club News, Club Parks|

From the Galiano Club during the coronavirus pandemic:

The parklands we manage — the Bluffs, Mt Galiano, the Community Forest — remain open. Fresh air and exercise are essential elements in maintaining good physical and mental health; this is most especially vital just now. So, we want our hiking trails, our parks, to be kept available for our neighbours to use. But, while using the trails and the vehicle parking areas it is most important to remember the current pandemic situation, the precautions outlined by our local health experts — most especially the social distancing. And, to wash your hands […]


By |April 12th, 2020|Categories: Food Program, Nettlefest|

by Alison Colwell

Right now, getting outside could offer some fresh air and needed distraction. Just remember your social distancing!

Foraging wild food is one of our most primal activities, up there with discovering who left those tracks in the sand and learning how to build a fire. And if you can tell the difference between kale and lettuce, you will be able to identify plants and mushrooms in the wild. Foraging can be as simple as picking blackberries at the edge of the road or hiking through Bluffs Park looking for mushrooms. The more we use […]

Galiano Food Bank: Our Most Needed Items

By |February 20th, 2020|Categories: Food Bank, Food Program|

  1. Canned Protein (Salmon, Tuna, Fish and Meat)
  2. Canned Fruit/Applesauce
  3. Canned Soup, Beans, Stew and Chili
  4. Cooking Oils (Olive and Canola)
  5. Pasta & Pasta Sauces
  6. Peanut Butter (or other nut butters)
  7. Rice (Brown and White)
  8. Breakfast Cereals & Oats
  9. Healthy Snacks – Granola Bars/Crackers/Nuts
  10. Tea and coffee & Skim Milk Powder
  11. Feminine hygiene products, Toothpaste, Soap

(Please no dented cans or expired food.)

Galiano Food Bank

By |February 20th, 2020|Categories: Food Bank, Food Program|

Did you know that 1 in 3 food bank users in B.C. is a child, and 1 in 8 is a senior? That food banks help reduce hunger with dignity, and help reduce food waste too?

Last year after 20 years of service to the community, Ralph and Hans retired from their work running Galiano’s Food Bank. We met with St. Margaret of Scotland Church to see if there might be a way that the Galiano Community Food Program could support getting the Food Bank up and running […]

LOCAL FLAVOUR: How choosing food plays into the climate change war

By |January 15th, 2020|Categories: Food Program|

Photo: Chris Heffley

Linda Geggie is the executive director of the Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable. Below is an excerpt from an article she wrote for the Saanich News, published in October.

Young spokespeople like Greta Thunberg and other young leaders across the globe have inspired people to bring more visibility to the growing concerns being raised by climate science. Often overlooked in climate conversations is the role that our food plays. Growing and distributing food globally is estimated to contribute to over one […]

Upcoming Club Events

Upcoming Food Program Events

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

November 10 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

November 17 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

November 24 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

December 1 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

December 8 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

December 15 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Other Upcoming Events

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