
Food Program

The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island.  We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.

Club Parks & Programs

The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.

Community Hall

The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.

Community Hall

The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.

Club Parks & Programs

The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.

Food Program

The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island.  We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.

Latest Blog Posts

Nettlefest 2012

By |January 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Nettlefest|

This years Nettlefest will be happening on March 17th at 5:30pm at the South Community Hall.

Nettle Picking starts at 11am. Meet at the Community Hall with baskets, clippers and GLOVES to Carpool to the picking spot.

Kitchen starts at 11:30am at the hall. Volunteers will be making Nettle Bread and soup together.

Nettle Vendors are welcome to set up a table in the hall during the day. Contact us if you’re interested.

Potluck Dinner starts at 5:30pm.

This year we will be having two competitions:

The first: The Best Nettle Dish: Bring your favourite nettle dish. No […]

How Close is ‘LOCAL’ ? by Janice Oakley

By |January 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program|

Googling ‘eating local’ offers up 2 million responses today whereas 25 years ago…. wait a minute, there was no google then ! My point is is that we have, en masse, embraced the benefits of eating locally as our awareness around almost everything we do expands. This article is devoted to better laying out our options for eating close to home. At the beginning of the spectrum of possible geographic food sources is the wild food we forage from our own ‘yard’: nettles, chickweed, pepper grass (all available this lovely January day). […]

Community Greenhouse Meeting – Jan. 26

By |January 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Growing (Garlic Co-op, Greenhouse, Gleaning Project)|

Due to bad weather, the meeting will be postponed one week. We will now be meeting on the 26th.

Believe it or not we will have our first greenhouse gathering this month to begin planning what to grow and to order seeds. The fact that we can begin the process so early in the new year is a glorious aspect of our west coast climate.

We will meet Thurs. Jan 26 at 1 pm at the Activity Centre meeting room to plan this year’s permanent plantings while the Starts Group, where people come to […]

Thai Inspired Community Kitchen led by Chef Orion Finnie

By |January 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Workshops|

We have an upcoming Community Kitchen on Feb 13th at 5:30pm

Thai Inspired Community Kitchen led by Orion Finnie, chef at La Boheme Restaurant.

We’ll be making Thai Pumpkin Soup, Phad Thai ,Thailand’s famous rice noodle dish and Honey Bananas for desert.

Please bring containers to take home food, and a $15 to $20 contribution.

Please RSVP – we are limited to ten people.

Update: This kitchen is now full, but I will be keeping a waiting list, in case of drop outs.

Winter Garden Visit chez Janice

By |January 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Workshops|

After taking the 10 month course with Linda Gilkeson last year I can finally point to some successes in having a mature winter garden. This growing space has only been in use for 3 years so it isn’t a real show piece but if anyone is interested in seeing the potential c’mon to 2330 Georgeson Bay Rd for a garden tour and tea Thursday, February 2nd at 1 pm. Please RSVP if you can come.

Community Kitchen – Making Friends with Winter Vegetables

By |January 4th, 2012|Categories: Food Program, Workshops|

We have an upcoming Community Kitchen on January 16th at 5:30pm

– Making Friends with Winter Vegetables –

Come join your community, and cook, eat and share food together.

We’re going to make Traditional Borscht, Cabbage Rolls, and Two different kinds of Slaw.

Please bring containers to take home (2L) soup and slaw, and a $15 to $20 contribution.

RSVP to Alison at galianofoodprograms@gmail.com Space is limited to 10 people.

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