Food Program
The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island. We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.

Club Parks & Programs
The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.

Community Hall
The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.

Community Hall
The Hall is a hub of the Galiano community and many of our local events are held there on an ongoing basis. It is also a favourite place for concerts, dances, weddings, plays, exhibitions, lectures, etc. The kitchen has convection ovens, industrial sinks, counters and cupboards and all manner of conveniences, and we’re quite proud of it.

Club Parks & Programs
The Galiano Club owns and maintains the South Community Hall, as well as over 830 acres of parkland on Galiano Island, British Columbia, Canada including Bluffs Park, Mount Galiano and the Community Forest. The Club runs the Community Food Program, is the home of the Galiano Players Theatre, hosts the Annual Blackberry Festival and Christmas Market. The Galiano Club was founded in 1924.

Food Program
The Galiano Community Food Program works to build community and food security on our small island. We hold community potlucks, weekly Soup and Bread lunches and monthly Games Nights, plus organize Gleaning, Frozen Meals for Seniors, a Garlic Coop, Cheese Club, Workshops, School Garden Programs and much more.
Latest Blog Posts
Active Page Article June, 2021
Galiano Club Update, June 2021
By Jack Garton
The summer is opening its door, and by the time of this publication we will have enjoyed some of its warm welcome. Hot spring days are a wonderful thing. The feeling of warmth on our skin, the smell of life everywhere, colours bursting from trees and flowers; a sweet relaxation starts to take over.
However, before long, the reverie includes hopes for rain and fear of another dangerous wildfire season. As someone who prefers warm sun, there’s an unease underneath these sunny days. Maybe even a tiny bit of guilt for enjoying the heat. No, […]
A Bit of Club History
There is a framed hanging on one of the Galiano Community Hall walls which displays a long list of beautifully inscribed names in–troduced with, “Galiano Club Charter Members for the Year Nineteen Hundred and Twenty Five”. Lots here is of interest to me. Most of these family names are quickly recognizable—Bell–house, Burrill, Georgeson, Morgan, Murcheson, Page, Twiss—to mention just a few. The names are part of my island neighbour–hood geography. Their descendants are amongst us; some con–tinue the tradition […]
Active Page Article May, 2021
Galiano Club AGM
While we hope that everyone is enjoying the spring and spending time outside, alas COVID 19 is still with us and this year’s Galiano Club AGM will be on Zoom, scheduled for May 30. If you would like to vote on any of our resolutions, contribute to the discussions, or get familiar with the many ways in which the Club stewards its lands and assists the community on Galiano, put it in your calendar! To vote in the AGM, all you need to do is renew your membership for 2021 at galianoclub.org/about/membership. It costs $10 for the year […]
A Wider Lens: SGI Food Resilience
This report for the CRD’s Community Economic Sustainability Commission reviews two recent local GCFP projects through a regional lens, and identifies which issues raised on Galiano might resonate on other Southern Gulf Islands, and also which might best lend themselves to being addressed at a regional level. The first project was a pair of surveys of Galiano growers and restaurants and grocery stores to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on Galiano’s food system. The second project was an event that was organized to address some of the needs that were identified via the Covid Impact surveys, called Meet Your […]
Meet Your Maker 2021
The Meet Your Maker event was held in January of 2021. It was an opportunity for Galiano farmers, fishers, foragers, markets, restaurants and grocery stores to come together, make connections, discover opportunities and find new partners. In attendance were 15 growers, 3 grocers, 3 farmers’ market reps and 9 restaurateurs. This report shares the outline of the event, gives an overview and highlights key takeaways, including next steps to address some of the issues raised.
Opening of Mt Galiano Trail — 1991
In 1991, following an energetic & creative fundraising campaign by the island, the Mt Galiano lands were purchased & title was given to the Galiano Club. The following summer a group of volunteers created the hiking trail — from the Active Pass Dr entrance to the summit — which exists today. Coincidentally, 1992 was the 200th anniversary of the historic meeting of the Spanish Naval Officer, Dionisio Alcala Galiano and the English Naval Capt. George Vancouver (each Captain was charting the western NA coastline for their respective nation) just off the coast of what is now called Galiano Island. […]