Food Program

Food Program2022-03-20T20:55:06-07:00

The funky offspring of the Galiano Club, the Food Program began in 2008.

The Galiano Community Food Program strives to ensure that Galiano Island is a thriving, livable, food-secure community, where every resident feels included, welcome and empowered to build a deeper connection with their food system. In so doing, the Program improves Galiano’s ecological sustainability and community resilience in the face of climate change and uncertainty. The program seeks to set an example that reaches beyond our local community and spreads across the country.

Food Program Blog

Volunteer Fair

Volunteer Fair – March 16th from 1pm till 3pm at the South Hall.

Are you looking for a meaningful volunteer opportunity for the New Year? How can you support the work we do?

Come learn about all the different opportunities for volunteering with the Community Food Program. We need help cooking, driving, working with kids, picking fruits and vegetables, gardening and more.

By |February 20th, 2017|Categories: Food Program|0 Comments

Greenhouse Group

Greenhouse Group: Tuesdays at 12 noon.

Greenhouse Growing Group by Barry New

The Greenhouse Growing Group grows vegetables together in the greenhouse located behind the Library. This year’s season begins Tuesday April 4th at 12 noon. Anyone is welcome to join. This group can suit all levels of experience and commitment.

The charge is still only $20 for the whole year. This fee includes all soil amendments, seeds, pots, and tools (though people are also encouraged to bring their own). Participants also share the produce. We can provide handouts related to specific gardening questions.

We specialise in the early Spring Starts and then roll out a program for the year-round crops. You can learn and share your knowledge about potting mixes and seeds. The group meets informally once or twice a week throughout the spring and summer. By summer, we have a watering schedule so there are regular weekly turns by the participants to keep the plants well-watered. It is a teaching and learning environment so we have some resources and good links to help further the skills of participants. Last year we grew tomatoes, eggplants, basil, peppers, melons, and many other seasonal vegetables. The planters outside the greenhouse had strawberries, runner beans, and cucumbers. There are also Seniors Beds specially adapted for easy maintenance (no bending!). Starting this year, we are experimenting with winter crops, and we bought two […]

Bees and Seeds Day: Saturday – January 28th, 10am-1pm

Beginning at 10am at the South Hall, the Seed Library of Galiano will have its inventory on hand for those interested in browsing and borrowing seeds for the upcoming growing season. Yes, the time for spring starts is just around the corner! There will also be some seeds available for free, and those who wish to swap seeds with others are welcome to bring them along for a mini Seedy Day. Please contact Colleen with any questions.

By |January 20th, 2017|Categories: Food Program, Workshops|0 Comments

Beekeeping Workshop

Beekeeping Workshops: January 28th – 1pm

Mark your calendars for Saturday, January 28th, as popular and inspiring Vancouver Island Apiary inspector David MacDonald returns to Galiano to share his knowledge. A Beginner’s Tutorial will be from 1-3pm, followed by a more Advanced Class from 3:30-5:30pm at the South Hall, but all levels of knowledge/experience are welcome. If you are interested in participating please RSVP Colleen at or 250-539-2737. All are welcome. $10-15 per workshop, sliding scale, or, $20 for two classes.

By |January 20th, 2017|Categories: Food Program, Workshops|0 Comments

Upcoming Food Program Events

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

January 25, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

February 1, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

February 8, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

February 15, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

February 22, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

March 1, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

March 8, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

March 15, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

March 22, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

March 29, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

April 5, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

Soup and Bread Community Lunch

April 12, 2027 @ 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

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