The Galiano Community Food Program nourishes and strengthens island food security through learning and sharing skills. Our “growing” programs include a community garlic garden, a school garden, a community greenhouse, a Permaculture Club, an Equipment Library and workshops on a variety of topics of interest to growers and farmers.
Garlic Coop
The Galiano Island Garlic Co-op is a group of garlic enthusiasts who collectively grow a few varieties of organic premium garlic, with scapes, in a large, shared, sunny plot at the south end of the island. Together we learn about this easy-to-grow, hardy crop, share the load of bed-preparation, seeding, weeding, mulching and harvesting, and enjoy some delicious garlic. We also explore various soil-building and composting techniques. Everyone is welcome, and no previous experience is required to become a member.
Community Greenhouse
The Community Greenhouse is located at the Galiano Community School and represents an ongoing growing opportunity. It also hosts the Spring Starts Project for gardeners wishing to get an early start on the growing year.
Seasonal Gleaning
Yearly, land owners on Galiano find that their fruit trees produce far more than they can use. In many cases, this bounty falls to the ground. But thanks to the Food Program’s Gleaning Project, owners can take part in a program where they get volunteer labour to collect their fruit. A share of the bounty goes to the land owner, and the rest goes to the people who pick the fruit and to the Food Bank and the Food Program itself, for community kitchens and other redistribution efforts.
Galiano Grown
When it comes to local food, Galiano’s grocery stores, markets and restaurants have been very supportive of our local growers and producers since long before the pandemic. It’s hard to find a restaurant on Galiano that doesn’t carry local products! Another place we see this support is the Galiano Grown label program, which the Food Program created to support local food production and access on Galiano. The purpose of the label is to raise the profile of locally-produced products and spark discussion with shoppers about growing methods. You’ve probably seen the label around the island at grocery stores, restaurants, farm stands, and at the Saturday Market.
Seed Library
The Seed Library of Galiano aims to increase local food security by loaning locally adapted organic seeds to Galiano growers and to maintain a stock of viable seed. Launched in February 2016, SLOG has a Seed Inventory from which members can borrow seed, grow food, harvest seed and return seed in the fall during one of the “check-in” parties (schedule to be announced). Thanks to Dan Jason for providing us with a library “starting kit”, and to the Bauta Initiative for providing a grant for library supplies.
A $10 lifetime membership fees entitles you to borrow as many seeds as you like. With commercial seed packets now going for $3-9 each, you may want to consider borrowing seed from the Seed Library (and practice seed-saving skills along the way!)
All Lending Sessions are at the Galiano Community Library. Drop in for tea and chat!
Learn More on the Seed Library of Galiano WebsitePermaculture Working Group
Curious about permaculture? Want to build resilience as a community, and build relationships with your neighbours too? The Food Program has launched a Permaculture Working Group. Permaculture is a garden design system that mimics the patterns and relationships found in nature while providing for local needs. Together we plan to dive into topics that interest the group, learning theory and getting hands-on experience to develop our skills. We are using a model called Permablitz. This is a way of cooperatively tackling big projects at each other’s sites, to share our diverse skillsets and share our workloads at the same time. Some areas we might explore include: integrating animals on your site, broom management, alternative power, humanure, building a composting structure or a cob oven, and rain-water catchment. Our first permablitz is under way in February 2018, focusing on contour mapping a growing site. We expect to hold one every 3 months or so. The group is open to everyone – if you’re interested in getting involved, let Emma know.
Meet Your Maker 2022 Report
In 2021, the Galiano Community Food Program hosted our [...]
Meet Your Maker 2021
The Meet Your Maker event was held in January [...]
Upcoming Gleaning Season
Recently at a Food Literacy conference in Victoria, I was [...]
Community Greenhouse by Barry New
Located behind the Galiano Library on the School grounds, the [...]
Gleaning Report by Emma Luna Davis
All over the island this season, people have been [...]
Upcoming Events
Past Projects
Shared Community Gardens
The food program organized several community garden spaces on Galiano Island in 2012.
- Cable Bay Farms Growing and Gleaning Project
- Garlic-growing Cooperative
- Community School Garden
- Community Greenhouse Year-round Project and
- Spring Starts Project
- House at the school April 2010