The Galiano Club was incorporated as a non-profit society on December 5th, 1924 to:
a) encourage social, recreational and educational activity in Galiano
b) foster agricultural interests in Galiano
c) form a public library
d) build a public hall which shall be used for the above three purposes.
Since the founding of the Club, the objects have been amended to include holding and administering in trust for the community, Bluffs Park and Mt. Galiano. Both properties are zoned “nature protection”. Also added was administration of the Heritage Forest lands, zoned “heritage forest”, in accordance with covenants on that land. In all, the Club is responsible for 830 acres of land on Galiano Island or 5.78% of the island’s land mass.
As well as the three parks, and renting and maintaining the South Community Hall, the Galiano Club also holds an annual fundraiser, the Blackberry Tea, and an annual Christmas Market.
In 2011, the Galiano Players merged with the Galiano Club. With this move there has been a revival of theatre on the island and a place for the many talented islanders to perform. Cinema Galiano hosts a wide variety of quality and accessible movie events.
Club Blog
Hunting Prohibited in Club Parks
Hunting Prohibited in the Bluffs, on Mt Galiano and in the Community (Heritage) Forest This is a reminder to all that HUNTING is not permitted in the Heritage Forest, Bluffs Park or on Mount Galiano. Please pass this message on so that the people who walk in the Forest can do so safely. Thank you for your cooperation. For safety in general during hunting season, everyone walking in Galiano's forests should try to wear clothing that makes you visible.
Blackberry Festival – 2011
On October 8th the Galiano Club’s Blackberry Festival was held. For decades now, the Club has been holding a Blackberry Tea/Festival on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend. No one seems to know exactly when it began, only that it is an island tradition. The Blackberry Tea is the main fundraiser of the Galiano Club. If anyone does remember when it began please contact us at 2175. We would love to be able to document the beginnings. This year the blackberry abundance was amazing and many people picked and froze berries for the Festival pies. The irrepressible Kathy Benger, at 90, picked over 24 litres. Pie production began on Wednesday, October 5th with a pastry workshop led by Alison Colwell, one of two part-time Community Food Program Coordinators. Over 200 “bottoms” were made in 2 hours. This was followed by 150 “tops” on Thursday. Friday was a soup making and baking day, along with the set up and decorating of the old Hall. Over 150 blackberry, blackberry-apple and pumpkin pies were baked and this year for the first time unbaked frozen pies also were available for sale. Our Junior Club members were showing up the old pros when it came to crimping the pastry. [...]
The Bluffs Park Lookout Road
Bluffs Park Lookout Road: Rick Gill and Andy Turner from our highways maintenance company, Mainroad, approached the Galiano Club with an offer to repair the “spur” road that leads from Bluff Rd. to the Bluffs lookout. This spur road has been in very bad condition for a number of years. Because the Bluffs are designated “nature protection”, very little alteration can be done within the park. The Islands Trust Planner has approved the road repair work which will include new gravel and ditching as well as adding fill in the lookout parking lot that is a lake for much of the winter. This work will begin mid-October and will take about 3 days. This donation by Mainroad is an incredible community benefit. It would have taken the Galiano Club a long time in which to raise the money for this project. Thank you Mainroad!
We “Raised” the Roof and “Coated” the Floors
In August, Bob Boyechko and his crew removed 2 old roofs from the South Galiano Community Hall and replaced them with a new roof. The work took about 5 days during the hottest week of the year. No rot was found under the old roofs and the new roof was expertly installed along with new flashings. At the same time the roof was being re-done, Louis Gonthier re-coated the main Hall floor and the stage floor. Louis spent 4 days working on the floors and donated all of his labour costs. Thank you to the Community for your support through the purchase of "shingles" and attending various fundraising events, to all who volunteered to help with the sprucing up of the Hall, to Don Anderson for re-building the front steps, to Ken Hancock, Capital Regional District Director, for his financial support of this large project, to Galiano Trading for their equipment loan, to Dave Gerlach for the loan of his truck and finally to Kathy Benger whose very generous donation of $6,000 allowed us to proceed this summer with this project.
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