Galiano Club Programs

Galiano Club Programs2022-04-07T13:34:27-07:00

The Galiano Club was incorporated as a non-profit society on December 5th, 1924 to:

a) encourage social, recreational and educational activity in Galiano
b) foster agricultural interests in Galiano
c) form a public library
d) build a public hall which shall be used for the above three purposes.

Since the founding of the Club, the objects have been amended to include holding and administering in trust for the community, Bluffs Park and Mt. Galiano. Both properties are zoned “nature protection”. Also added was administration of the Heritage Forest lands, zoned “heritage forest”, in accordance with covenants on that land. In all, the Club is responsible for 830 acres of land on Galiano Island or 5.78% of the island’s land mass.

As well as the three parks, and renting and maintaining the South Community Hall, the Galiano Club also holds an annual fundraiser, the Blackberry Tea, and an annual Christmas Market.

In 2011, the Galiano Players merged with the Galiano Club. With this move there has been a revival of theatre on the island and a place for the many talented islanders to perform. Cinema Galiano hosts a wide variety of quality and accessible movie events.

Club Blog

“Heroes” – The Play

"Heroes" will be presented Easter Sunday April 16th at the South Hall at 5:00 p.m. Come and enjoy this comedy set in 1959 in a French retirement home for First World War veterans. The original production opened at London's Wyndham's Theatre on 18 October 2005 and closed on 14 January 2006. It starred Richard Griffiths, John Hurt and Ken Stott.

By |April 20th, 2017|Categories: Club Programs, Galiano Players|0 Comments

Explore the Bluffs

On March 19th the Galiano Club will be holding a “Bluffs Open House” from 1:30 p.m. on. Meet at the Lookout parking lot to join in trails exploration, perhaps some birding, a Bio-Blitz (learn about the bio-diversity of the Bluffs) and tour of the Charcoal Pit Kiln. This is a chance to check out the trails with experienced Bluffs trail travelers.

By |March 20th, 2017|Categories: Club News|0 Comments

Galiano Mushroom Festival

Mushroom Festival 2016 -- now better than ever! This is the 16th year for the Galiano Naturalists' Mushroom Festival and the Festival is expanding from one to two days -- Saturday and Sunday, November 5 - 6 from 10 am to 4 pm each day, at the South Community Hall. There will be artists' displays, naturalists' displays, and a display from the Galiano Bookstore at the hall throughout the day on both days. Saturday events On Saturday between 11 am and 1 pm four island chefs (Jesse McCleery, Douglas Thistle-Walker, Orion Finnie, and Graham Barber) will offer a sample of their delicious mushroom canapés creations. (Tickets for this event are limited and are $10 at the door - email to reserve) At 1:30 pm on Saturday, soil scientist Dr. Shannon Berch from the BC Ministry of Environment will present a free public talk titled "Mushrooms of Galiano". In her presentation Dr. Berch will highlight the edible, poisonous and non-timber forest product mushrooms and fungi of the island, and encourage island mushroom enthusiasts and naturalists to continue to document the biodiversity of Galiano Island mushrooms. Following Dr. Berch's presentation, from 2:30 to 4:30 pm she will lead a mushroom identification workshop along [...]

By |October 20th, 2016|Categories: Club News|0 Comments

The Galiano Club’s 91st Annual General Meeting – May 28th 2:30 p.m. South Hall

Join us for the 91st Annual General Meeting of the Galiano Club on May 28th at 2:30 p.m. There will be the regular business meeting highlighting the past year's activities followed by a short presentation on "Planned Giving and Benefitting Local Charities". The meeting will end with complimentary ice cream sundaes topped with blackberry, butterscotch or chocolate sauces (or all 3). Everyone, whether a member or not, is welcome. Hope to see you there!

By |May 31st, 2016|Categories: Club News|0 Comments

Community Forest Workshop

COME JOIN US AT 9:30 MARCH 8TH AT THE END OF GEORGIA VIEW RD. (ENTRANCE TO THE COMMUNITY FOREST) TO HEAR WHAT HERB HAMMOND, KEITH ERICKSON AND OTHER LOCALS HAVE RECOMMENDED FOR IMPROVING THE FOREST AND REMOVING WOOD. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. The Galiano Club is pleased to announce that from March 4th to 8th Herb Hammond, forester, ecologist, educator and Executive Director of the Silva Forest Foundation will be working with Keith Erickson of the Galiano Conservancy Association on a Galiano Club Community Forest project funded in part by Vancity. The goal of the project is to develop a plan for thinning and timber removal in a portion the Community Forest. The field work will culminate in a workshop Friday (March 8th) at the Community Forest. This will be of interest to local foresters, Galiano residents who walk the forest and Galiano residents in general. Come join us to see what Herb and Keith will be recommending for the next phase of work in the Forest. There will be refreshments on site. The Silva Forest Foundation (SFF) has pioneered an ecosystem-based conservation planning approach that protects biological diversity and ecological processes, while assisting communities and individuals to implement ecologically responsible human uses [...]

By |March 20th, 2013|Categories: Club Programs|0 Comments

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