Galiano Club Programs

Galiano Club Programs2022-04-07T13:34:27-07:00

The Galiano Club was incorporated as a non-profit society on December 5th, 1924 to:

a) encourage social, recreational and educational activity in Galiano
b) foster agricultural interests in Galiano
c) form a public library
d) build a public hall which shall be used for the above three purposes.

Since the founding of the Club, the objects have been amended to include holding and administering in trust for the community, Bluffs Park and Mt. Galiano. Both properties are zoned “nature protection”. Also added was administration of the Heritage Forest lands, zoned “heritage forest”, in accordance with covenants on that land. In all, the Club is responsible for 830 acres of land on Galiano Island or 5.78% of the island’s land mass.

As well as the three parks, and renting and maintaining the South Community Hall, the Galiano Club also holds an annual fundraiser, the Blackberry Tea, and an annual Christmas Market.

In 2011, the Galiano Players merged with the Galiano Club. With this move there has been a revival of theatre on the island and a place for the many talented islanders to perform. Cinema Galiano hosts a wide variety of quality and accessible movie events.

Club Blog

Active Page Article June, 2021

Galiano Club Update, June 2021 By Jack Garton The summer is opening its door, and by the time of this publication we will have enjoyed some of its warm welcome. Hot spring days are a wonderful thing. The feeling of warmth on our skin, the smell of life everywhere, colours bursting from trees and flowers; a sweet relaxation starts to take over. However, before long, the reverie includes hopes for rain and fear of another dangerous wildfire season. As someone who prefers warm sun, there’s an unease underneath these sunny days. Maybe even a tiny bit of guilt for enjoying the heat. No, I think it’s more a sense of responsibility that pairs with the enjoyment. These recent years of BC wildfires have driven home just how interdependent we all are, humans and our environment. The Galiano Club manages some beautiful outdoor recreation lands on the island, which we hope islanders make use of, but it’s always good to mention that during the summer it’s important to check the Fire Danger Rating, and to be very cautious if it’s High or Extreme. Thanks to the volunteers who helped pull Scotch Broom from the trails recently, it’s a job that really benefits from [...]

By |June 1st, 2021|Categories: Active Page Articles, Club News, Club Parks|0 Comments

Active Page Article May, 2021

Galiano Club AGM While we hope that everyone is enjoying the spring and spending time outside, alas COVID 19 is still with us and this year’s Galiano Club AGM will be on Zoom, scheduled for May 30. If you would like to vote on any of our resolutions, contribute to the discussions, or get familiar with the many ways in which the Club stewards its lands and assists the community on Galiano, put it in your calendar! To vote in the AGM, all you need to do is renew your membership for 2021 at It costs $10 for the year and all Galiano residents or property owners are eligible. Non-residents who wish to support the club are also welcome as Associate Members (without voting privileges). The last AGM included lively discussion and debate, with the highest attendance on record. Hope to see you there. Easter Chocolate Sale Our latest chocolate fundraiser was an egg-celllent success! A big thank you to the volunteers who helped make and sell the chocolates, we appreciate all your help. Like previous chocolate sales, everything sold out. The very last bag of chocolates went to.......Buzz! Broom Blitz It’s that time of year again when the blooming broom [...]

By |May 1st, 2021|Categories: Active Page Articles, Club News, Club Parks|0 Comments

Active Page Article April, 2021

Galiano Club Update, April 2021 Making it through a pandemic winter is no small feat. Hope seems more tangible now, as the earth fills in with colour and warmth, and we hear optimistic news of vaccines and re-opening plans. Recent health regulations have relaxed to allow groups of 10 to gather outdoors, and the trails and parks in the Heritage Forest, Mt Galiano and the Bluffs are great places to gather in small groups and experience the beauty of spring on the island. This spring also marks a year since the beginning of the pandemic, and it has been a difficult year for many. The Community Hall has been empty for much of the time, without the usual busy schedule of classes, workshops and events that make it such a treasured place. Everyone has risen to the challenge of finding creative ways to get things done remotely, but it’s not the same as sharing space together, and we miss it deeply. Easter Chocolates With Hall rentals being one of the mainstays of Galiano Club fundraising, one of the fun alternatives we have come up with is selling chocolates! The Christmas and Valentine’s Day sales were very popular, so we are planning an [...]

By |April 1st, 2021|Categories: Active Page Articles, Club News, Club Programs, Galiano Players|0 Comments

Active Page Article March, 2021

Galiano Club Update, March 2021 By Jack Garton Sitting in the kitchen, watching icicles drip off the roof: as if we needed another reason to stay inside at home. Ok, going outside in the snow can be fun. Usually, once the effort is made to bundle up and venture out into the unreasonably picturesque forest, the cold air feels invigorating, the soft lines of the snowscape feel gentle on the spirit, and the pace of the slowly swirling flakes is refreshing, and sort of mesmerizing. It always seems a bit unfair, though, when a cold snap comes after spring has already been promised. (But the snowdrops!) Winter can be isolating, especially on Galiano, and many folks are looking forward to the longer, warmer days coming when we can spend more time outdoors, in contact with nature and with other humans. As the pandemic lockdown continues, social events at the South End Hall are still on hold for the time being. However, the Galiano Club board is working hard behind the scenes to keep its many community initiatives alive. The walking trails are all open, and work is always being done to make them easier to use and more accessible. At the top [...]

By |March 1st, 2021|Categories: Active Page Articles, Club News, Club Programs, Galiano Players|0 Comments

Active Page Article December, 2020

Galiano Club By Jack Garton Hello, and Happy New Year from the Galiano Club. As I write this, 2020 is coming to a close, and I am settling into my first few weeks as a new member of the Board of Directors of this great organization. It is an honour to help with this group that has been serving the Galiano community for almost 100 years. It is also an honour to work with such an accomplished Board! The experience, skill and attention brought to the table in service to Galiano is humbling. Our community has been rocked this year by the many challenges of the global pandemic, but The Galiano Club has worked hard to help us be resilient in the face of it all. Food Security and Affordable Housing have been at the top of the list, but also Social Connection (the Food Program is about to test its first virtual Games Night) and Land Management (with a climate change perspective) are areas where great work is happening. Often these two areas overlap these days, as more of our socializing happens outdoors. 2 new bike racks are being installed at the Bluffs, to help those spending time in the beautiful [...]

By |December 1st, 2020|Categories: Active Page Articles, Club News|0 Comments

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