The Galiano Club operates through a Board consisting of up to 11 Directors each elected for a term of two years. These Directors are elected at an Annual General Meeting OR appointed (when a vacancy occurs between Annual General Meetings).
To be considered for election or appointment to the Board, a person must be a Club member. The Society is governed by a Constitution and By-Laws that are regularly reviewed and updated as necessary at the Annual General Meetings. The Board manages the Community Hall and oversees Mt. Galiano, The Bluffs and the Community Forest lands in trust for the community. The Galiano Club also runs the Community Food Program. The Board also supervises a full schedule of annual public events, all held in the South Galiano Community Hall – the Blackberry Tea and the Christmas Craft Market, for example.
The Directors listed below, with their respective Board Positions & Committee membership, are current for 2019-2020. The Galiano Club employs four very part-time contracted staff for the Galiano Community Food Program and for cleaning in the Community Hall. Most work done for the Club – minor repairs to the Hall, work parties in the parks and playground, is done by volunteers. The Galiano Club has more than 300 members.
Board of Directors – 2024/2025
Judy Hayes, President, Nominations/Governance Committee
Judy Parrack, Treasurer, Finance Committee, Nominations/Governance Committee
Robert Matson, Parks/Forest Committee, Finance Committee
Sonia Baker, Arts & Culture Program
Allison Whitlock, Parks/Forest Committee
Marianne Bos, Parks/Forest Committee
Patrick Ramsey
Carol Wilson, Parks/Forest Committee
Marina Roy, Parks/Forest Committee
Karen Harris
Beth Boxall
Food Program Co-ordinators
Alison Colwell, Manager
Emma Davis
Shauna Anderson
Honourary Members
The Club was founded in 1924, held its 1st Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Jan.1925 with a membership of 23 persons —— membership was open to “all residents in Galiano Island and in Gossip Island who are over 18 years of age” — when a Constitution was written. This Constitution was amended in May, 1930 by adding, “all residents of Galiano and Gossip Islands on reaching the age of 70 years shall be extended the privilege of life (Honourary) membership …”. A list of these Honourary Members was introduced at each AGM until 1938. The Constitution seems to have been amended again sometime around then & the category of Life (Honourary) membership ceased to exist; it was however reintroduced in 1965. Only twice afterwards though, in 1986 and again in 1991, was a Life (Honourary) membership awarded, both times by a successful vote during an AGM. The category of Life Membership was re-activated in the early 2000s & continues to be an active consideration.
Miss Ada Bellhouse
Mr. Fred Burrill
Mrs. Emilie Cayzer
Mr. William Cayzer
Capt. William Henry Gilmour
Mr. Albert Head
Mrs. Stanley Jackson
Mr. Henry Jenkins
Mrs. Arthur New
Mr. Arthur New
Mrs. Edward Radford
Mr. Edward Radford
Mr. Philip Steward
Mr. William Thomas
Capt. Turner
Mr. Donald New
Mrs. Nan New
Robert Bateman
Sue Evans
Kathlyn Benger
Margaret Howell
Gloria Olsen
Don Anderson
Allan Forget
Jane Wolverton
Meritorious Service Award